On January 21st ,2017, a Multi-Party Friendly Negotiation Conference on the Preservation and Development of Mes Aynak Afghanistan was held in School of Arts RUC. Mr. Besmella MOHAMMADI, First level Secretary of Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in China, Dr. Masanori NAGAOKA, Chief of UNESCO Culture Unit Kabul Office, Dr. Maria ACETOSO, Project Manager of World Bank Project of Extractive Industry and Cultural Heritage Protection, Prof.Takashi INOUE, Head of Eurasian Communication Center of Tokyo University of the Arts were invited to the conference. Prof. DING Fang, The Dean of School of Arts RUC, Mr. ZOU Jianhui, Board Chairman of MCC Mining co., LTD, Mr. LI Guoqiang, Deputy Director of Institute of Public Administration and Human Resources of Development Research Center of the State Council, Ms. ZHANG Fei, Deputy Director, Institute of International Trade and Economic Cooperation Research of Commerce, Mr. WANG Qiang, Deputy Director of Office of Research Management of China Institute of International Studies, Ms. ZHANG Ling, executive director of Institute of Buddhist Art Research of RUC and Dr. SHAO Xuecheng, Research Fellow in Institute of Buddhist Research, RUC attended the conference. Miss JIANG Ruixia, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Arts was conference host.
The conference was aimed at exploring a solution for the dilemma of preservation and development of Mes Aynak Afghanistan, which is a respond to the call for assiting Afghanistan by UN, and an action to implement the “Belt and Road” Initiative.
丁方院长发言 DeanProf. DING Fang is giving a speech
Prof. DING pointed out that Afghanistan is a significant cultural hub in Central Asia, which had a profound impact on Chinese Budhhist art. For a long time, Chinese scholars did not give enough attention to Afghanistan, as a result, many art problems cannot be clarified. This conference provided an opportunity for us to reach the frontier of Afghanistan cultural heritage, and to ravel out some important problems in Silk Road communication history with Afghanistan government and UNESCO.
巴斯米粒•穆罕默迪先生发言Mr. Besmella MOHAMMADI is giving a speech
Mr. Besmella MOHAMMADI, First level Secretary of Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in China reviewed the China-Afghanistan good neighborly and friendly relations in history, and the support from China to Afghanistan government and its people over the years. He emphasized the expectation on Chinese company helping Afghanistan develop mining industory will bring wealth to this country. He also pointed out that Afghanistan is not only has rich cultural heritages, the country’s development is also crucial, and Afghanistan is expecting deeper cooperations in cultural communication and resource exploitation with China.
长冈正哲博士发言 Dr. Masanori NAGAOKA is giving a speech
Dr. Masanori NAGAOKA and Dr.Maria Acetoso represented UNESCO and World Bank respectively gave speeches on the conference. They fully understand the dilemma Afghanistan is facing in terms of cultural heritage preservation and the country’s development, and they believe that only by the truly development of the country can cultural heritage problems be solved. Dr. NAGAOKA spoke highly of what Chinese government has done to assist Afghanistan, and the contribution MCC has made to the preservation of Mes Aynak. Meanwhile, Dr. NAGAOKA and Dr. ACETOSO both pointed out that the biggest obstacle in Mes Aynak preservation is the absence of a specific plan, lacking of financial support and terrorism. They hope to build a long-term tripartite cooperative mechanism among Chinese government, Afghanistan government and UNESCO, create a plan and realize the sustainable development of Mes Aynak.
玛丽亚•阿塞图索博士发言 Dr.Maria ACETOSO is giving a speech
As the direct party of Mes Aynak, Mr. ZOU Jianhui, Board Chairman of MCC Mining co., LTD elaborated the contributions MCC has done to Mes Aynak with the cooperation with local government. He made it clear that MCC will fully cooperate with Afghanistan government to protect the site, and will try to solve the problems as soon as possbile, and to bring fiscal revenue to Afghanistan.
邹建辉先生发言 Mr. ZOU Jianhui is giving a speech
李国强同志发言Mr. LI Guoqiang is giving a speech
Mr. LI Guoqiang, Deputy Director of Institute of Public Administration and Human Resources of Development Research Center of the State Council said in the process of Chinese enterprises'"going-out", we should not only consider economic effectiveness, taking social responsibility and build People-to-People bond in that country is more important, only an effective communication with all parties can help develop a proper solution to the dilemma in cultural heritage preservation and development.
邵学成博士发言 Dr. SHAO Xuexheng is giving a speech
Dr. SHAO Xuecheng, Research Fellow in Institute of Buddhist Research, RUC analyzed historical and cultural connections between China and Afghanistan from academic perspective, he pointed out the contradiction between Chinese scholars’ absence in Afghanistan study and the rich Chinese historical materials on Afghanistan. Dr. SHAO deemed it necessary for Chinese scholars to start academic research on Afghanistan and Mes Aynak is an excellent pointcut.
张菲女士发言Ms. ZHANG Fei is giving a speech
王强先生发言Mr. WANG Qiang is giving a speech
胡海滨女士发言Ms. HU Haibin is giving a speech
井上隆史教授发言Prof. Takashi INOUE is giving a speech
Representatives from Ministry of Commerce, China Institute of International Studies and Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of Renmin University and Tokyo University of the Arts also expressed their opinions and proposed suggestions on Mes Aynak preservation and development.
The conference reached consensus on many aspects. Firstly, School of Arts of Renmin University will build a multi-party communication platform to provide a effective channel for Afghanistan cultural heritage preservation in the future. Secondly, Afghanistan Cultural Heritage Preservation Fund will be established in School of Arts of Renmin University to receive donation from society. The fund will be provided to UNESCO to carry on cultural relic conservation and preservation in Afghanistan, to support academic research on Afghanistan culture, and to publish all kinds of materials on Afghanistan cultural heritages etc.
The conference yielded substantial outcomes, and reached a cloure in a friendly atmosphere.
供稿Contributed by School of Arts RUC)