
  • Position : Lecturer


2000 Guangxi Arts University, Department of Fine Arts

BFA, Major in Sculpture

2006 Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University

MFA, Major in Sculpture

Group Exhibition

2006 One Another “Inheritance and Transcendence”Annual Exhibition of Arts and Crafts featuring five schools, Beijing

2006 am7:30 The 2nd Exhibition of Contemporary Arts and Crafts, Honorable mention, Beijing

2006 Listen, Who is Talking “Working from the age of Hemudu to future”The 2nd International Exhibition of Chi Arts, Bronze Medal, Fuzhou

2007 Kawaii The 2nd Fine Arts Exhibition of Chi Arts, Bronze medal, Yangzhou

2008 Cats Fine Arts Exhibition of Chinese Traditional Arts and Crafts, Beijing

2010 Memories of Leaves “The Principle Is Rooted in Daily Use”-2010 International Exhibition of Lacquer Arts, Beijing

2010 Yu Ma’s Journey of Xiu Shi 2010 Hubei International Triennial of Lacquer Arts, Wuhan

2010  Box of The Angel——SighWorking From the age of Hemudu to future The 3rd International Exhibition of Chi Arts, Bronze Medal, Fuzhou

2011 Floral cup 2011Tainan International Treechi Art Exhibition , Tainan

2012 Memories of LeavesResonant Uruswashi-New Vibrance in international Woman's Urushi Art, Tokyo,Fukusima

2013 Series of Metamorphosis 2013 World Of Lacquer Origin And Flows Hubei International Triennial of Lacquer Arts 2013, Wuhan

2014 Metamorphosis No.32014 Cross-Stait Lacquer Art Exhibition ,Beijing-Fuzhou, included as collection of Art Museum of Fujian

2015 Preposterous Workmanship of Firewood- Conflagrate-International Junior Artists’ Exhibition of Arts and Crafts, Shanghai

2016 Metamorphosis No.4 Fuzhou International Triennial Lacquer Arts Biennale, Fuzhou

2016 Box of The Angel——Prospect Workmanship of firewood- Fire-International Junior Artists’Exhibition of Arts and Crafts, Tokyo

2016 Memories of Leaves-Spring 2016 Biannual of Chinese Contemporary Arts and Crafts, Beijing

Solo Exhibition

2011 Xiu Xing- Exhibition of Yu Ma Renmin University of China School of Arts

Published Works

From Her to Ego “ Embellishments” 2006 Vol.3

Essays from Studying in Japan “Academic Sculpture”2010 Vol.3

Relationship with Lacquer Arts “Academic Sculpture” 2012 Vol.1

International Communications

2009.4-2010.5 Guest Scholar in Tokyo University of the Arts,Department of Lacquer Arts

2009.10 Visiting Sookmyung Womens University, giving a talk on“Presence of Chinese Lacquer Arts”

Rencent News