
  • Position : Deputy Dean,Associate Professor

QI Yue,Violist

QI Yue is Deputy Deanat School of Arts, Renmin University of China (RUC), one of the best universities in China. He won the China National Solo Viola Competition in 2001.Mr. Qi performed at the National Center for the Performing Arts, Beijing Concert Hall, Forbidden City Concert Hall, Shanghai Oriental Arts Center and other famous halls in China. He was invited as solo violist to collaborate with Qingdao Symphony Orchestra and Kunming NieEr Symphony Orchestra, and as guest artist in major classical music festivals in China. He was invited as guest artist by the U.S. Ambassador for the New Year Concert at the United States Embassy in Beijing for more than 30 ambassadors from different countries. He has performed widely in the United States, Canada, Austria, Germany, Spain and other countries. Mr. Qi was frequently invited as jury member for national music competitionsandgave master classes in major music schools in China. Some of his students wonviolacompetition prizesand workat Central Opera House, Shanghai Opera House, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra and other major orchestras in China.

In 2010, the National Committee on US-China Relations and the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs selected Mr. Qi into Young Leader Forum, a select group of exceptional American and Chinese young professionals including government officials and politicians, authors, university leaders, entrepreneurs, and musicians and artists. In the 2010-2011 academic year, Mr. Qi was invited as Visiting Fellow at Yale School of Music. Hecurrently serves asDirector of ChineseStringSociety,ExecutiveSecretary-GeneralofChina-Europe Education Alliance for Humanities and Arts (CEEAHA).

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