
‘Integrative•Symbiotic –RUC Public Musical Education Student Forum’ was held successfully

02 Jul,2012 views

‘Integrative·Symbiotic – RUC Public Musical Education Student Forum’ hosted by Zhou Yuan, a Music Department staff of School of Arts, was successfully held on PM June 6,2012 in Ming De Law Building.    


Students from Schools of Liberal Arts, Law, Environmental Science, Economics, Finance and Journalism of RUC made excellent speeches and displays on subjects ‘Nature and Music’, ‘Romantic Music and Economic Principles’, ‘Songs in the ‘Songs’’, ‘Opera Career in the International Financial Crisis’, ‘Music and Dissemination’, ‘Law of the Music and Music of the Law’, ‘ Musical Education in Today’s Mass Media Environment’ etc.  


Wang Jun, Deputy Director of Sports Aesthetic and Arts Dept of Beijing Municipal Education Commission , attended the forum and highly appraised it as ‘an important breakthrough of public art education by RUC’ . Mr. Zhao Fang Vice President of School of Arts who is also Vice President of Beijing Aesthetic Research Committee made the conclusion remarks.  


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