January 1st,2017, three lectures on Afghanistan Cultural Heritages were held in Faculty Development Center of School of Arts RUC. Lectures were given by Prof. Takashi INOUE, director of Eurasian Communication Center of Tokyo University of The Arts, Dr.Masanori NAGAOKA, Chief of UNESCO Culture Unit Kabul Office, and Dr.Maria ACETOSO, Project Manager of World Bank Project of Extractive Industry and Cultural Heritage Protection. Dr.SHAO Xuecheng, Research Fellow in Institute of Buddhist Art Research, was the host, and Prof.LI Yuhong in Department of Art Design of School of Arts was the reviewer. Prof.DING Fang, the Dean of School of Arts attended and addressed the lectures. Magazine The Public Archaeology and Arton.net paid close attention to this event.
井上隆史教授 Prof. Takashi INOUE
Prof. INOUE gave a vivid lecture on The Farmost Alexandria——Ai-Khanum. He introduced the rise and decline history of the ancient city, elaborated lots of rare art treasures that reflect the glory of ancient Afghanistan. And some valuable documentary clips played in the lecture have never been released to public in China before.
长冈正哲博士 Dr. Masanori NAGAOKA
Dr. NAGAOKA, Chief of UNESCO Culture Unit Kabul Office, introduced the UNESCO programme for Afghanistan Heritage & Extractive Industries Development. UNESCO is carrying on a serious of actions with the financial aid from World Bank, including identification of cultural heritage sites, technical assistance to the Afghan government in preservation of cultural heritage and Awareness-raising campaigns. But challenges are everywhere in terms of the sustainable development of cultural heritages in Afghanistan.
玛利亚•阿赛图索博士 Dr. Maria ACETOSO
Dr. ACETOSO explained UNESCO Technical Assistance for Mes Aynak Archaeological Project in detail. Audiences were exposed to UNESCO’s achievements and challenges on the preservation and removal of Mes Aynak cultural relics. She pointed out that the biggest challenge the world is facing is how to preserve Architectural relics (temples, stupas etc.) in Mes Aynak properly.
丁方院长发表讲话 Dean Prof. DING Fang is addressing the lectures
李宇宏教授评议 Prof. LI Yuhong is reviewing the lectures
主持人邵学成博士 Dr. SHAO Xuecheng is hosting the lecture
The lectures fully present the richness of Afghanistan cultural heritages, and its unique cultural pattern in the context of Afghanistan being a civilization crossroad. At the same time, rich Afghanistan cultural heritages urgently need the attention and protection from international community.
On March 1st,2017, Prof. Ari IDE was invited to School of Arts to give a lecture on Large-scale Cultural Heritage Digitization Global Projects by Kyoto University. The lecture was hosted by Associate Professor ZHANG Jianyu in Department of Fine Art and reviewed by Professor LI Yuhong in Department of Art Design. Professor DING Fang, The Dean of School of Arts attended and addressed the lecture.
丁方院长致辞 Dean Prof. DING Fang is addressing the lecture
井手教授 Prof. Ari IDE
Prof. IDE introduced the world-leading ultra-high-resolution scanning technology and equipment for cultural heritage digitization developed by Ide’s laboratory and widely implemented around the world. He argued that it is necessary and meaningful to digitalize cultural heritages before they disappear with many examples. He highlighted the superiority of this technology in scanning metal work and glass plates. Prof. IDE said his whole life is committed to implement engineering to cultural heritage preservation he expressed his sincere hope that more people could pay more attention to this field. At last, audience actively interacted with Prof. IDE.
Ari Ide, PhD, Professor Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, published more than 300 papers, hosted more than ten national and government projects related to the application of advanced imaging technology, His lab has organized more than 20 domestic and international conferences under the title of “Science and Technology for Art” in Japan and abroad. His current interest is focused on “Advanced Imaging Technology and Analytical Imaging” and activities with support from the Japanese Cultural Agency is focused on preservation and conservation of Asian Cultural heritage.
供稿 Contributed by School of Arts,RUC)