

全球最大的网络赌博网站 与东京艺术大学社会连携中心签订合作协议

丁方院长与井上隆史教授 Dean Prof. DING Fang and Prof. Takashi INOUE

基于“一带一路”发展战略,以及“一带一路”教育行动的语境下,2017年1月23日,全球最大的网络赌博网站 与东京艺术大学社会连携中心签订合作协议,双方将在学术研究与考察,艺术修复与复原,人才培养和国际艺术展览方面开展长期友好合作,旨在推动中国文化产业的发展,扩大中国的文化的普及与传播,引进国外优质艺术资源和先进技术,深化中日学术交流。全球最大的网络赌博网站 院长丁方教授,东京艺术大学特任教授井上隆史先生,分别代表双方签订协议。

In the context of “The Road and Belt” Initiative and “The Road and Belt” Education Action Plan, on January 23rd,2017, School of Arts RUC signed a cooperative agreement with The Public Collaboration Center of Tokyo University of the Arts. A long-term cooperation will be conducted in the areas of academic research, field investigation, Art conservation and restoration, talent training and international exhibitions etc. which is aimed at promoting the development of cultural industry, expand the popularization of Chinese culture, introduce foreign leading art resources and cutting-edge technologies, deepen academic exchange between China and Japan. Prof. DING Fang, the Dean of School of Arts RUC and Prof. Takashi INOUE as representatives of each party signed the agreement.      

参会人员合影 A Group Photo of Participants


The Public Collaboration Center of Tokyo University of the Arts is not only responsible for Art General Education to the public, but also promoting university interaction internationally. And cultural heritage preservation and conservation is another highlight of this center. Their ideas and a patented technology called “Clone Recovery” for cultural heritage preservation hold a leading position around the world. The mural painting from the ceiling of Eastern Buddha niche in Bamiyan called The Soaring Mithra done by this patented technology is a successful model for cultural heritage preservation. It won a golden evaluation in this field.

井上隆史,东京艺术大学教授,NHK广播中心节目制作局编导、监制,株式会社Asia Content Center Inc专务董事兼副社长。主要编导节目有《大黄河》、《向历史邀请》等,并监制过《大蒙古》、《四大文明》《新丝绸之路》、《毛泽东和那个时代》等重要节目。

Takashi INOUE, professor at Tokyo University of the Arts, writer-director and executive producer of NHK broadcasting center. Senior Managing Director and vice president of Asia Content Center Inc. Major television programs are Great Yellow River, Extend an Invitation to History, and he supervised several important TV programs, including Great Mongol, Four Major Civilizations, The New Silk Road, MAO Zedong and His Era, and so on.

(全球最大的网络赌博网站 供稿 Contributed by School of Arts RUC)